I am sitting here at work and I really don't want to be here. Im hungry, tired, and trying my very best to not worry about tomorrow (techincally today since its after midnight) because Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow because it will worry about itself (Matt 6:34) but its so hard!
(FYI: I'm not longer hungry! Thanks to my homie Rahel for bringing me some mac & cheese wid chicken! and all praise be to God for sending her with my "manna!")
Im still tired though. But as I was eating I thought about how I had asked God one day when I was hungry to send me manna....and just now He did. And then I thought about the fact that I believe God enough to feed me and so I AM GOING TO BELIEVE HIM FOR THE PROVISION that IS to come. I don't want to be like the Israelites in the wilderness who saw the work of God and then the NEXT DAY were back to grumbling. (Num 16) I know my God is able to do exceeding abundantly more than I can ask or imagine (Eph 3:20) so...
God I give you my tomorrow. Every situation, every need, every provision I place at Your feet. I believe that You WILL carry me through the day and I will continue to be victorious! Never lose faith in God. He is faithful..always and forever. He never changes and He'll never leave you or forsake you. (Deut 31: 6, Heb 13:5)
Blessings til next time!