Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have a Sweet sister
An Intelligent sister
A Strong sister
A Taller-than-me sister
An Encouraging sister
A Righteous sister

Whether she knows all these things about her or not...they are true. I was sitting and looking at pictures of my sister and I and how silly we can be. As I looked at them I remember how she came to be my sister. "What?" you say....."she was adopted?! you picked her up from off the street?!"

Contrary to popular belief..that's not how she came to be my sister:)

When I was about 4 years old I was having a hard time being an only child. The house was pretty lonely. Sure I had my parents, and they were cool to hang with but they weren't my age so there was only so much you could do with them. I prayed to God and asked Him for a little sister. When my mom told me she was going to have a baby and that she didn't want to know the gender, I told her that the baby was a girl because I had asked for a sister.

As much as my sister and I have had our ups and downs (we've fought physically and argued a lot) I wouldn't take back my request for anything. I love her so much. She's absolutely unique...she has the most uncommon way of thinking and looking at things and its beautiful. She's a great encouragement to me. She's my manager, bodyguard, seeing eye dog (not implying my sister is dog...geez!)...I just mean to say that she has my back and sometimes sees things I don't see.

I appreciate her and love her mucho! I thank God for her constantly and pray His purpose into her life..because I know He has a mighty work in store for her.
Love you Al!

Blessings til next time!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What I want.....

1) To be more like Christ
2) To be the best possible dancer I can be
3) To learn to play the guitar
4) To be a wife (the good kind lol)
5) To be a mother (the best kind)
6) To go back to Australia
7) To see my daddy walk again
8) To see my family know God the way I know Him
9) To own a studio (recording and dance)
10) To be able to spend quality time with my friends in JA (miss u guys!)
11) To love my friends harder than I do now
12) To spend just one more hour with my mom ( miss u mommy!)
13) To visit Israel (about 2000 yrs ago)
14) To explore the different layers of myself
15) To expose those layers of myself to God, my husband and my children(they coming!)
16) To dance a sermon
17) To see the Empire State building
18) To vacation in Fiji
19) To write a complete song
20) To be all I can possibly be in this life
21) To feel God's heart; to want what He wants

As I typed this I realized that we can want for many things, good or bad. But it's all meaningless if it doesn't line up with what God wants. So really my #21 is the top thing I want. (my list is in no particular order of preference) Really, everything in this life is meaningless if God's not in it (read Ecclesiastes...hot fiyah book!) I know that I can have wants and desires, God built me that way...but I want my wants to be His wants so that His will and purpose can be accomplished in my life.

Blessings til next time!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Who do you love?

I've been home all day.......allllllll day. Not even opened the front door, all day. As the day progressed and there wasn't much to, it got a little discouraging and daunting...I began to think about what I had to do the next day and wasn't quite sure how things were going to get accompished. I spent much of my evening on YouTube simply because I clicked a link my friend had on their facebook profile and it got me YouTube surfing. I found a video I love of these young men, from Allen Liturgical Dance Ministry of The Greater Allen Cathedral of New York, dancing to one of my favorite songs "The Presence of the Lord" sung by the church's choir (it's an original song).

And I began to just internalize the song and truly worship God from the comfort of my futon:-D
And it's amazing that even in the simplest of positions, with a willing heart to pour our love on God what can happen. I just sang, cried and worshipped. Then I prayed and prayed and prayed some more as the Holy Spirit led me to pray. Then I went to read the Word (cuz it's my daily bread and I have like spiritual hunger pains now when I don't read it often enough lol). I went to the daily readings my church has for our Big Read project we're doing this year (reading the Bible in one year...checkout our page.. http://ecibigread.wordpress.com). And one of the scriptures stuck out to me in a new way.

In Matthew 10:37-39 Jesus was speaking to His disciples and He said this:
37 “If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. 38 If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. 39 If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it."

And I could do nothing but smile:-D Firstly the entire chapter speaks of when Jesus was sending his disciples out and He was giving instruction about what to do and what not to do, and what to expect because they were going out spreading His words and teachings. And in the above verses He is brutally honest about the caliber of people that are worthy of being His. I smiled at this part particularly because of thigns going on in my own life.

You know, sometimes it's easy to lose sight of God as your first love...as your number one. And I'm making it a mission of mine to NEVER lose sight of Him in that respect. I want to always be in awe of Him, to love Him like no one else, to revere Him, and have Him as number ONE before anyone or anything. And I just thought that what Jesus said was directly related to me. I don't believe Jesus was saying you couldn't love your parents or children or siblings or anyone for that matter, I don't think He was saying you couldn't miss them either but you just couldn't love them more than you loved Him or else you were UNWORTHY of being His. Now I already know I'm not worthy of His love but because of His grace and mercy I have access to Him. Therefore, I'm going to make sure that I don't love anyone more than I love Him. (Thanks for the reminder and confirmation with your word God!! You rock!!)

Blessing til next time!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Did you know??????

Did you know that you can literally take God at His word??? Did you know that He CANNOT lie??? Did you know that when you pray the Word and God's will for your life amazing things happen??? Did you know that God is faithful??? Did you know that if you seek Him earnestly that you'll find Him?? Did you know His promises are true??? Did you know that God is AWESOME???!!!!!!

I am telling you there is no one better than Him!! He has shown me some awesome things within this past week...which is what His word says He will do if you call on Him (Jeremiah 33:3) and He has been proving Himself day after day. And I have been in complete awe of Him...which is where I want to be...I share this with you to encourage you to take God at His word. To trust His word.....to trust in Him. Don't be dismayed...don't be discouraged but have the faith that He will be faithful to you. Read His word....search the scritptures for the truth so that your life can fully reflect Him!

Oh! And big ups to Mr. E and the Soul Movement Crew.....heading off to Nashville to do the Pre-Stellar Awards Parties!!!!! If you're looking for a place to enjoy fellowship with Christians and jam out to the hottest gospel tracks...come on out to Flavor Night Fridays!!! There is none this friday because of the awesome opporunity in Nashville but it'll be back January 23rd..."Flashing White" is the event so come on out in your white...bring a friend! Check out further details at www.soulmovementcrew.com

Blessings til next time!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

oooooohhhhhhhhhh nine!!!

So the new year is here!!! Merry New Year!!!! I am sooooooo excited about 2009 because I believe that God is going to be doing some very awesome things this year in my life and in anyone who calls Him Lord and seeks him diligently. Since the last time I blogged much has happened. I was fortunate enough to have a very blessed Christmas with my family. I loved spending time with them and getting to see even more about them that I love. My sister isn't here but I have spoken to her during the course of the break and I'm happy that she'll be home in a week:)

Flavor Night Fridays has been fabulous! Rock Night was real awesome....I missed the $1 Christmas special but I heard that was ram packed and since that night we've had our New Years Bash and Mr. E's Bday Bash and both events were very successful. Fabulous ministries presented by Kristine Alicia, Double Six, LaVie, King........they all are fabulous!!!

My personal life is doing well, simply because I have chosen to put God first in ALL that I do. I am blessed. This morning in particular was great because I went to church expecting God to show up, expecting great fellowship with fellow believers and expecting that true worship would be lifted to the Lord......and that's what happened and more. God showed up from the start of the service and just simply showed out! People came to Christ without a sermon being preached! Which to me is very awesome because I've asked God and prayed for the day when those who worship Him really invite His presence and just worship without abandon so that He can have full reign in the service and hearts can be changed and saved just because His presence is there!

I'm already thanking God for the situations and trials but even more so the victories that will result from such times!!! I know that I will have so much to testify about as this year progresses that I may have to start a new blog lol!!! Let's make the effort to live for God like never before...to standout, to go against the norm of society and fully embrace the principles and purposes of God!

Blessings til next time!