Friday, October 19, 2012
Hungry Jesus Kingdom
Friday, June 15, 2012
A Love Relationship
Monday, June 4, 2012
and that's an important word..but....BUT!! God apparently doesn't think He needs to give me the full directions before hand. That's a little frustrating...but I can kinda understand why he does it like that...kinda lol. If He told me where exactly I was going...all the time...I would probably..scratch that..I WOULD find my own route to get there. Now how would God get glory from my life if I took my own route?
As I continue learning and grasping this idea of driving along and waiting until God says to turn left or right..I'm suppose to keep driving, right? So yeah...I've realized that I'm sitting at the light/stop sign/intersection with the car in neutral when it should be in drive. I've been waiting on directions for just about everything in my life and for some areas God has said turn left or right...others he hasn't. And the areas He hasn't has me particularly cautious because I don't want to be outside His will. And now I think I'm being too cautious because I'm sitting idly, waiting, when God didn't say stop...but I haven't heard go. I've seen couple signs that I should go...intersection is clear of traffic, no train on the tracks, draw bridge isn't up letting a boat through and there aren't any pedestrians walking around. I just haven't seen the light turn green...and I want to see green. I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can proceed because I don't want to go and then my picture gets taken by the camera and I get sent a ticket in the mail...not cool lol.
Lord, help me to see your green light, to not be fearful of what is beyond this intersection. Help me to continue to listen to your directions and to drive safely and with authority.
Blessings til next time!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thought in transit
Its interesting how fascinated we are with babies. We get so excited preparing for their arrival. And dont even mention once they arrive! Even with sleepless nights and crazy schedules, we oodle over them, give all our attention and do just about anything for them. But as children get older we tend to get more and more distant. At different stages we expect them to do for themselves. We also get more easily annoyed with them, their behavior and requests. Parallel this with how God treats us. Before we're born, spiritually, I'm sure many of us can see how He was preparing things for our birth into his family. There's a celebration in heaven once we are born again. We get fed and doted on and poured into. BUT! The AWESOME thing about God is that he is our ETERNAL FATHER! Which means he's always going to be doting on you and pouring into you. Does he expect growth and maturity? Of course. But he doesn't get annoyed when we come to him a bunch of times with requests and questions about things we don't understand. And he doesn't leave us without what we need, which is Him. Every good and perfect thing comes from him. So all we need for righteousness and living is in him! And as his children we have him within us, all the time, no security guards surrounding his throne, no blockage because Jesus took care of all that on the cross with his blood. The ever present parent who listens, corrects, disciplines, laughs with, feels what we feel, dances with, sings over, smiles upon, directs and guides me; faithfully and always :-)
I've got the best Daddy ever!
Monday, March 19, 2012
"Don't trip, he ain't through with me yet"
This may sound so very strange but I love realizing that God's work in me isn't complete...that I don't have it all together. There are still areas of me that have not quite grasped the light of Christ. Odd? yes. But somehow it puts me in a place of confidence. Not within myself but in Christ and the finished work of the cross to be manifested in my life. Wait...sounding kinda complex.
BREAKDOWN: I know there's still more to be done in me and its done through the power of Christ....I can't do it myself so when He shows me that there's things in me that need adjusting or correcting I get excited! He's still with me, loving me and working on me.
How did all this come about you say? Well, I find that I learn a lot about myself from God through circumstances that come my way. You know, sometimes when you're wronged in some way you feel justified in being angry and doing whatever so that you're emotions and feelings are heard. But I realized after this week that I don't have that right. I'm not to sin in my anger just because someone wronged me. I am still responsible for how I respond. So I had to go to God and repent for my way of handling things and He just began to show me that I don't have it all together. (and I had to apologize to those who got some earfuls)
I was reflecting on all of this as I was getting ready this morning. Then as I sat down to pray and read there Daddy goes bringing it up in our time via the Word. Gotta love Him! Wisdom has been His constant topic and it was no surprise that there it was again this morning. *smiles* He's so concerned with me *heart warming*
Be mindful that God isn't through with any of us until Christ's return. "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil 1:6)
SO with all this, a childhood song came to mind...and I just discovered the verses which made me cry :')
By: Joel Hemphill
He's still working on me to make me what I ought to be.
It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars,
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.
How loving and patient He must be, He's still working on me.
1. There really ought to be a sign upon the heart,
Don't judge her yet, there's an unfinished part.
But I'll be perfect just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hands.
2. In the mirror of His Word reflections that I see
Make me wonder why He never gave up on me.
He loves me as I am and helps me when I pray
Remember He's the Potter, I'm the clay.
Blessings til next time!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Discussing Religion - Response to a friend
When it comes to religion it can get messy. I try not to debate too much between differing religions and beliefs but I will share my belief.
My belief is simple. I believe that there is one true God who made sure I could have a relationship with Him by sending Jesus to pay my sin debt. I get to talk and fellowship with THE CREATOR of the universe all the time; that rocks! Reading the Bible is a great way to learn about Him; what relationship develops without learning about the person? And I don't limit Him to those 66 books. He's SO MUCH BIGGER than a book! But it does give me the beginnings to knowing Him. The different aspects of His character. And that's what He really wants from us. And Jesus came to make sure we knew the greatest part of His character which is as a Father and so that we could find our way to God through Himself.
With regards to what you said about reading scripture and having your own interpretation: When I read I ask Him to show me what He wants me to learn about Him in that moment. I've found out different things about Him from one section of scripture. I believe He reveals to each person certain things about Him at different times according to where they are. Look at it this way: there are certain things I may not tell you about myself initially just because of the nature of our relationship or how I feel you may relate to what I share. Similar to us and God. If I can't relate to Him in the capacity of provider or am not even willing to hear that part about Him then why should He show me that right away? (make sense?)
It's hard at times to wrap my mind around the whole people not knowing God and going to hell aspect. But I have found just within my own journey in life that God shows Himself in so many ways and because I know He loves me and everyone else, He will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to get to know Him. Look at Abraham! He lived in the Mesopotamia region and out of nowhere here comes God showing Himself and giving instruction. Gideon was out in the fields when God showed up to Him and Gideon said, "I've heard of you before but who are you?" (my paraphrase). There's a part within each person, I believe, that identifies with God. And at some point when that part isn't linked to Him, it will cry out and search for Him. Kinda like when a plant is lacking in water (which they are made to need) the roots reach and stretch through the soil in search of what it needs. I think the same goes for people. We begin to search and I believe if you search in sincerity you'll find God, the way He intended for us to find Him and enjoy the best of life which He has for each of us.
Heaven: the eternal pleasure of God's presence
Hell: eternity without Him
I've tried this life thus far with and without Him and I really do prefer life with Him. So I'll go the heaven route because I enjoy Him and His presence so much!
I make no apologies for what I believe. And I don't force it on anyone. I simply live out my beliefs as best as I can each and every day. I love God and all of who He is even though I'm still learning about Him. The getting to know Him is surely fun though!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
That One
who feels the warmth of your love;
wrapped in the arms of your heart, when we're close and far apart;
embraced by your speech that lifts me above tribulations reach,
held captive to your ways that tell me I am yours.
I want to be that one.
valued as a pearl, being displayed in your world
as your
one. and only.
never hidden from the crowd because you vowed,
to cherish me.
I want to be that one.
THAT one. Right there.
The one you see with vision clear
who always makes you stop and stare, blatantly aware
that I
am your beauty
your smile, not just a trophy.
An ear that hears your faith even through your fears;
cries with every tear
says the words you, don't want to but, need to hear.
THAT. One.
Brightening your day as the noon day sun
the last face you see when the day is done;
a safe place to who you run.
Let me be that one.
(written by Shivonne Johnson, 01/26/12 at 12 noon)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I like working full-time though. My first full-time job was in high school for Caribbean Gospel Inc. I LOVED that job!! I got to work around one of my favourite things...MUSIC!! Sure I had the office portion that sometimes wasn't so great but I got to go out to shows and be in the studio and around the artistes. I developed my work skills as well as relationships with different people. After that my only other FT job (other than this one) was working a tutoring camp at my church for two consecutive summers.
I'll say this: it is a bit taxing on the body to work FT. Especially when you depend on public transit to get around and you live in a different county from where you work. But I do feel productive most days. (Some might be wondering if we're having a slow day because I'm typing this blog lol). Nope. Just felt like typing real quick.
I try my best in whatever work environment I'm in to learn as many things as I can; whether they be work related or a means for me to develop in my character. I don't know what the future holds so I want to grab as many helpful tools along the way. Years from now I just might be using something I learned when I was 15.
So my encouragement today is to be aware of your environment and soak in what you can as you give your best.
Blessing til next time!