Its interesting how fascinated we are with babies. We get so excited preparing for their arrival. And dont even mention once they arrive! Even with sleepless nights and crazy schedules, we oodle over them, give all our attention and do just about anything for them. But as children get older we tend to get more and more distant. At different stages we expect them to do for themselves. We also get more easily annoyed with them, their behavior and requests. Parallel this with how God treats us. Before we're born, spiritually, I'm sure many of us can see how He was preparing things for our birth into his family. There's a celebration in heaven once we are born again. We get fed and doted on and poured into. BUT! The AWESOME thing about God is that he is our ETERNAL FATHER! Which means he's always going to be doting on you and pouring into you. Does he expect growth and maturity? Of course. But he doesn't get annoyed when we come to him a bunch of times with requests and questions about things we don't understand. And he doesn't leave us without what we need, which is Him. Every good and perfect thing comes from him. So all we need for righteousness and living is in him! And as his children we have him within us, all the time, no security guards surrounding his throne, no blockage because Jesus took care of all that on the cross with his blood. The ever present parent who listens, corrects, disciplines, laughs with, feels what we feel, dances with, sings over, smiles upon, directs and guides me; faithfully and always :-)
I've got the best Daddy ever!