Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My PHENOMENAL sister :-)

I just wanted to share how AWESOME my sister is! Always been an inspiration to me. She's so darn quirky lol! She says things that make you look at her like "really chick?!" but yet they are so profound....but 30% its just randomness that makes you go "hmmmm."

Anywhos, I enjoy checking out her blog and I thnk many others need to enjoy it too. So! Here is the link

Also follow her on twitter: @cinnirox. You'll see what I'm talking about with the things she says :-)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Be Still

It's a beautiful experience when you wake in the morning, KNOWING and FEELING the presence of God around you. I had one of the most restful and peaceful sleeps I've had in a long time. I'm convinced I was sleeping nestled in His arms. Normally I switch positions during the night. I didn't move last night and it has done my body and mind well.

As I opened my eyes I heard the song "be still" which was icing on the cake. This is why I love my Daddy; He does these "just because" type things that make me feel all kinds of wonderful! Take delight in those kinds of moments. They are priceless and remain with you for a long time. And take a page from His book and do a "just because" for someone in your life. I'm sure they'll value it :)

"When the oceans rise and thunders roll
I will soar with you above the storm.
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still and know you are God."

Blessings til next time!