Friday, January 27, 2012

Discussing Religion - Response to a friend

Hey all! A friend asked me to share my thoughts on religion based on some things that were happening in his life. I decided to share what I told him with you all. So below is my response...add your comments if you like.

When it comes to religion it can get messy. I try not to debate too much between differing religions and beliefs but I will share my belief.

My belief is simple. I believe that there is one true God who made sure I could have a relationship with Him by sending Jesus to pay my sin debt. I get to talk and fellowship with THE CREATOR of the universe all the time; that rocks! Reading the Bible is a great way to learn about Him; what relationship develops without learning about the person? And I don't limit Him to those 66 books. He's SO MUCH BIGGER than a book! But it does give me the beginnings to knowing Him. The different aspects of His character. And that's what He really wants from us. And Jesus came to make sure we knew the greatest part of His character which is as a Father and so that we could find our way to God through Himself.

With regards to what you said about reading scripture and having your own interpretation: When I read I ask Him to show me what He wants me to learn about Him in that moment. I've found out different things about Him from one section of scripture. I believe He reveals to each person certain things about Him at different times according to where they are. Look at it this way: there are certain things I may not tell you about myself initially just because of the nature of our relationship or how I feel you may relate to what I share. Similar to us and God. If I can't relate to Him in the capacity of provider or am not even willing to hear that part about Him then why should He show me that right away? (make sense?)

It's hard at times to wrap my mind around the whole people not knowing God and going to hell aspect. But I have found just within my own journey in life that God shows Himself in so many ways and because I know He loves me and everyone else, He will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to get to know Him. Look at Abraham! He lived in the Mesopotamia region and out of nowhere here comes God showing Himself and giving instruction. Gideon was out in the fields when God showed up to Him and Gideon said, "I've heard of you before but who are you?" (my paraphrase). There's a part within each person, I believe, that identifies with God. And at some point when that part isn't linked to Him, it will cry out and search for Him. Kinda like when a plant is lacking in water (which they are made to need) the roots reach and stretch through the soil in search of what it needs. I think the same goes for people. We begin to search and I believe if you search in sincerity you'll find God, the way He intended for us to find Him and enjoy the best of life which He has for each of us.

Heaven: the eternal pleasure of God's presence
Hell: eternity without Him

I've tried this life thus far with and without Him and I really do prefer life with Him. So I'll go the heaven route because I enjoy Him and His presence so much!

I make no apologies for what I believe. And I don't force it on anyone. I simply live out my beliefs as best as I can each and every day. I love God and all of who He is even though I'm still learning about Him. The getting to know Him is surely fun though!!

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