Friday, June 15, 2012

A Love Relationship

I realized that we as people really do need God. No joke, no religious anything; just simple truth. The love relationship that we are able to have with the Father trumps all other relationships AND is the best basis by which we gauge and function in all other relationships. If we spent more time with him and learning his heart for us then we would definitely make better decisions regarding our hearts and emotions. We wouldn't invest ourselves into things all willy-nilly because we know how valuable our heart is to our Father. This back and forth we do in relationships and feelings we still carry for people who have no interest or regard for us is really ridiculous. The person who is best suited for us is the one who suffers a lot of times because we think our hearts are able to handle all sorts of things when really its not. God takes the brunt of our hurts and past because we gave ourselves to things he never intended for us. So how about we try just focusing on God and his abounding and unfailing love; his loving-kindness that is better than life. And I can guarantee that he can and will direct your love in the way and to the person it needs to so that you and your helpmate don't suffer unnecessary burdens. Blessings til next time!

1 comment:

Dre Marshall said...

I always read your writings, thanks for these.